Switch to Podpal & Save 40% on Annual Plans

Podcast the Easy Way

Try it free. No credit card required.

Start Podcasting for Free
Choose a plan that’s right for you.
Start for free, pay monthly, or SAVE 25% with an annual plan.
Have an idea for a new podcast? Start here.
No credit card required
100% FREE
Try for Free
1 Podcast
The number of podcasts you can own on this plan.
6 Episodes
The number of episodes you can host and publish with this plan.
3 Collaborators
The number of team members that can be added to each podcast on this plan.
Custom Website
Get a podcast website and custom URL to market your show online.
5GB File Storage
Store your draft and final recordings on Podpal.
5K Downloads/mo
Bandwidth to support your audience traffic.
Audio Podcasts
Host & manage audio podcasts on this plan.
See All Features
Perfect for taking your podcast to the next level.
billed yearly
or $25 month-to-month
billed monthly
SAVE 25% when paid yearly
Select Plan
1 Podcast
The number of podcasts you can own on this plan.
75 Episodes
The number of episodes you can host and publish with this plan.
3 Collaborators
The number of team members that can be added to each podcast on this plan.
Custom Website
Get a podcast website and custom URL to market your show online.
10GB File Storage
Store your draft and final recordings on Podpal.
10K Downloads/mo
Bandwidth to support your audience traffic.
Audio Podcasts
Host & manage audio podcasts on this plan.
See All Features
Best for agencies and networks that host multiple podcasts.
billed yearly
or $199 month-to-month
billed monthly
SAVE 25% when paid yearly
Select Plan
10 Podcast
The number of podcasts you can own on this plan.
Unlimited Episodes
The number of episodes you can host and publish with this plan.
10 Collaborators
The number of team members that can be added to each podcast on this plan.
Custom Website
Get a podcast website and custom URL to market your show online.
100GB File Storage
Store your draft and final recordings on Podpal.
150K Downloads/mo
Bandwidth to support your audience traffic.
Audio Podcasts
Host & manage audio podcasts on this plan.
Video Podcasts
Host & manage video podcasts on this plan.
See All Features
Need a hand? We’re here to help!
Our white glove services are best for podcasters who want
additional help getting setup and launching their podcast.
Best for podcasters that want technical support & accountability.
One-Time Fee.
Buy Now
Professional Editing for 10 pre-recorded episodes.
1-on-1 Training Session with a Podpal Pro
Monthly check-ins with our Podcast Mentor.
Podcast Registration to top platforms done for you.
Audio Player installation on your personal website.
FREE 1-Year Subscription to Podpal Pro
Best for podcasters that are tech savvy, but want a little help.
One-Time Fee
Buy Now
Professional Editing for 5 pre-recorded episodes.
1-on-1 Training Session with a Podpal Pro
Quarterly check-ins with our Podcast Mentor.
Podcast Registration to top platforms done for you.
FREE 1-Year Subscription to Podpal Starter
Best for podcasters that just need an audio engineer.
One-Time Fee
Buy Now
Professional Editing for 5 pre-recorded episodes.
Reduce background noise.
Remove mistakes, ‘ums’ or long pauses.
Add your intro, outros, CTAs, and background music.
Mix your audio to give it that extra polish.
Compare Plans & Features
Discover the differences of each individual plan, and learn more about our product features.
Start Podcasting for Free
Pricing (all prices in USD)
Price / month (billed yearly)
Save 25% when you pay yearly.
Price / month (billed monthly)
Cancel anytime with month-to-month plans.
Podcast Management
Individual podcasts you can own
The number of podcasts you can own are limited by your plan.
Shared podcasts you can access
You can join as many podcast teams as you want, but these projects are limited by the plan of the podcast owner.
Audio podcasts
Host & manage audio podcasts on this plan.
Video podcasts
Host & manage video podcasts on this plan.
Recording file storage / podcast
Store your draft and final recordings on Podpal.
5 GB
10 GB
50 GB
100 GB
Artwork verification
Upload and verify your artwork meets the current RSS Feed standards.
Category management
Select categories for your show to make it more discoverable on listening platforms.
Keyword management
Add keywords to increase SEO.
Hide podcast
Hide your show from Apple Podcasts for your private audience.
Episodic podcasts
List episodes by most recently recorded (Z to A).
Serial podcasts
List episodes in the order that they were recorded (A to Z).
Season Numbering
Add season numbers to your podcast.
Episode Numbering
Add episode numbers to your podcast episodes.
Podcast Website (Custom URL)
Get a podcast website and custom URL to market your show online.
Episode Planning
Published episodes / podcast
Get started and keep podcasting with plans that support your content goals.
Draft episodes / podcast
Map out the vision for your show with unlimited drafts.
Custom episode artwork
Create a custom artwork for each episode.
Full episodes
Create ‘Full’ podcast episodes.
Trailer episodes
Create ‘Trailer’ podcast episodes.
Bonus episodes
Create ‘Bonus’ podcast episodes.
Hosting & Distribution
Downloads per month / podcast
Get the bandwidth required to support your listeners.
Apple Podcasts
Distribute your podcast to Apple Podcasts.
Distribute your podcast to Spotify.
Google Podcasts
Distribute your podcast to Google Podcasts.
Amazon Music
Distribute your podcast to Amazon Music.
Distribute your podcast to Pandora.
Distribute your podcast to Stitcher.
Distribute your podcast to RadioPublic.
Distribute your podcast to iHeartRadio.
Distribute your podcast to Facebook.
Team Collaboration
Production team members / podcast
Invite your production team, assign roles, and manage tasks.
Team reviews
Review the quality of your audio & show notes before release.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our Help Center for more answers.
How can I pay?
We accept all major credit cards. The subscriptions renew automatically at the end of each billing cycle. All listed prices are in USD.
Are there any additional costs?
No, there are no additional costs and you won’t be charged anything extra.
Are there any discounts avalaible?
Yes, you can get a 25% discount for subscribing for 12 months. If you are switcing your current podcast from another hosting provider, you can get another 15% off our annual plans by using the code “SWITCH” at checkout.

If you have selected The Coach white glove service package, please enter "COACH" at checkout to get 100% off your first year of Podpal Starter.

If you have selected The Guru white glove service package, please enter "GURU" at checkout to get 100% off your first year of Podpal Pro.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subcription at any time by filling out our Cancellation Request Form.
How are the limits of a shared podcast determined for individual team members?
Each podcast has an owner. The owner’s account is what sets the limits for a given podcast such as the number of collaborators, published episodes, and file storage limits. Collaborators, regardless of their plan level, are governed by the limits set by the plan of the podcast owner.
Can I get additional help with my podcast?
Yes, we offer several White Glove Service packages. Contact us if you’re interested getting additional help with onboarding, podcast mentoring, or audio editing for your show.
Switch to Podpal today and save 40% on annual plans.
Use the code SWITCH to get an additional 15% off Podpal Starter and Pro annual subscriptions.
Switch to Podpal

Switch to Podpal

Podcast Hosting
Episode Planning
Team Management